Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day Two-June 1, 2011

Dukan Diet-Day Two-June 1, 2011

Today was an interesting day.  When I got up this morning and stepped on the scale it was down to 205.  I guess this is working, or I've been retaining a ton of water that I just lost.  Amazing. Motivating.  Freaking awesome!

Today I had two scrambled eggs for breakfast and made my Dukan oat bran galette for eating in the afternoon.  I carefully flipped it and it flew out of the pan and landed smack dab on the counter.  Argh....  some days.  And no time to make another-so I went on the assumption that the 5 second rule applies to counters too.  (I know, collective ewwwwwww....)

For lunch I took my son to a fish restaurant and ordered a peel and eat shrimp appetizer.  I did eat the cocktail sauce, but I am now questioning that decision.  The thought process at the time was if Dukan allows sardines in tomato sauce, cocktail sauce on shrimp cannot be much different-correct?  I guess I'll see when I get on the scale in the morning!

This afternoon I did have a Fage 0% yogurt cup.  I used to just detest plain yogurt, but somehow I've been getting used to it.  Are my taste buds dead?  My son had class and I had plenty of work to do so we left my office at 7:30 pm and got home about 8:30.  Tonight I had Costco chicken breast meat sans skin.  After I ate the chicken, I realized I had not yet eaten the oat bran galette and it's required by the diet.  So I had that too. 

I was curious before bed and weighed myself again-down to 204!  Am I standing on one foot?  That's 6 pounds in two days-must be whole lot of water!  I am getting more and more curious about how long this rapid weight loss will continue and how sustainable it is.

The oat bran really helps with the hunger-I got a headache mid-afternoon today.   Yesterday I ate the galette with yogurt mid-afternoon and I was much less hungry when I got home from work.  I think I'll try to do that tomorrow and not forget it in my purse. 

Ketosis is supposed to set in tomorrow or the next day and that is supposed to be a powerful appetite supressant.  But will it work on a headache too? 

Stay tuned for more info on my experience with the Dukan diet.  May the toucan be with you.